10 Curly Hair Products You Need To Try

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If you’re new to embracing your curls (I started my journey in May 2017), I know how overwhelming it may feel. What is your curl type? Have you been using the wrong shampoo and conditioner? Wait, shampoo is only for your scalp? How can I go 3-4 days without washing my hair? How do I use a diffuser? What’s the difference between styling creams and styling gels?

My best advice, embrace the trial and error period. If you want to love your curls, you need to get to know them. You need to discover which products work well with your hair. Also, be okay with switching things up on a regular basis. Your curls don’t act the same everyday, so maybe they don’t need the same everyday?

When we moved from San Diego to North Carolina, my curls were in distress. They didn’t like the new humidity in the East Coast air. They didn’t know how to respond. The products that worked for me on the West Coast were not working anymore. It was so frustrating. For 4 months, I struggled to find the right cocktail of products to get my curls looking their best…but I figured it out (for now).

Discover my top 10 curly hair products in my current line up below. I will share a more detailed post about my curl care routine soon. In the meantime, check out how I apply products and diffuse my hair.

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$11 // Described as “water-to-foam” shampoo, designed for curly hair. It is sulfate, silicone, and paraben free. It aims to provide a deep clean for your scalp without stripping it of its natural oils.

I like it because of the refreshing aloe smell. It gives my scalp a “squeaky-clean” feeling. It extends my wash days. My scalp feels less oily even days after use.

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$25 bundle // The Minah Head Massager & Shampoo Brush is suitable for all hair types. IMinah scalp massagerts soft silicone bristles offer a gentle scalp massage. Use in the shower to gently remove product build up or oil from the scalp before/during shampooing. Works well dry, with oils or deep conditioners.

I use it after I apply my shampoo to give my scalp a deep clean. I love the gentle bristles and salon like massage experience. Ryan is also a fan!

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$4 // Stretch it and stretch it, it will always bounce back. If you’ve ever experienced an elastic hair tie snapping as you wrestle your hair into a ponytail…you know the trauma. These hair ties won’t send you into the distress of looking for your back up hair tie. You don’t need a back up. Try these, you’ll be a believer.

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$9 // I learned *late on my curl journey that I need to keep my hair wet before I apply my styler product. My hair has “low-porosity,” which means it struggles to hold on to moisture. It dries fast, top to bottom. This water spray/mist bottle applies the perfect amount of water to each strand of hair I separate before I apply products. This bottle is a must! Don’t wait, just get it and see the difference.

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$19 // I learned about this diffuser from recommendations in the Curly Girl Method Facebook group. It is HUGE. I love it because it is maximizes volume, gives great separation for each curl, and lift. This was the first “real” diffuser bought—I used to just use what came with a $30 blow dryer set. This diffuser is making my curls happy in the humid climate where I live.

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$26 for 10 oz. // This is my liquid gold. I bring it out specifically for the wet and humid days. I love the hold this gel gives my curls. I’m a one styler girl, and this one it the holy grail. It’s a bit pricey, so it’s not a gel I use everyday. It gives a strong hold but it does create a cast. The strength of this hold also extends my wash days.

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$22 // I love using the *Original Denman brush to evenly distribute my styling product on each strand of hair. It also shrinks up my curls into perfect ringlets, which I love. Detangle your hair before you use this brush. In my opinion, it is too stiff to use as a detangling brush. Look out for a video soon of how I use my Denman brush on my hair.

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$15 // I was invited to try Curls Dynasty products over the last two months. I love to be supporting a BIPOC-owned business. I love the texture of this styler. I don’t normally use a cream based styler. I am a gel girl. But I keep reaching for this over all my gel options in my lineup. It gives me great hold and moisture. I am so impressed. Also, the scent is very sweet like a cookie.

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$16 // I really enjoyed this deep conditioner. It smells exactly as it is described. The texture isn’t too thick. It glides on your hair. Here is my application method: After shampooing, section hair into 2 or 4 parts. Apply two fingers worth per section. Comb through with fingers. Then wrap hair in a plastic shower cap. Exit shower and place warmed thermal bonnet over plastic shower cap. Wear the warm thermal bonnet for about 30 minutes. Then rinse and follow up with regular conditioner or styler.

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$30 // This is a must for your deep conditioning process. They describe their cap as “the original flaxseed filled microwavable deep conditioning heat cap” that will give you a salon experience. It gives complete heat distribution to open your hair cuticles, it is curly girl method approved, and helps give healthy & hydrated hair. Microwave the cap on each side for about 30 seconds each for a total of 2 minutes. Wear the bonnet over your plastic shower cap, following application of a deep conditioner. The cap can be worn for 20-45 minutes.

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