Add This Toy To Your Holiday List

*This post is sponsored by Step2

One of the biggest worries I had about transitioning from being a mother of one to two was wondering if I had enough energy for both of them.

The honest truth, I do not have enough energy to give my two sons ALL of me. I barely had enough to give to Nolan when it was just him. However, I’ve learned my second and now third go around as a mom, that’s okay. They don’t need all of me to have a happy childhood. They also need each other.

At the time of this post, Austin is 17 months and Nolan is 4 years old. Austin started showing interest in playing with Nolan around 11 months. Back then it consisted more of “let me take that from you big brother” instead of the “side by side let’s build together” that they enjoy now.

As I started noticing my sons enjoying play time together, I started looking for toys and games to facilitate their togetherness. The current favorite toy is this play kitchen from Step2. Our model is exclusively sold at BJ’s, for less than $100. You can also find more options on the Step2 website.


This kitchen is a must-have because it facilitates problem solving, creativity, patience and sharing. I love overhearing what my son’s are cooking in their kitchen. Their cooked meals quickly turn into picnics where I’m handed “my afternoon coffee” with a side of cheese and bread. Now, if I could only get them to make me this with real food. Of course, my sons aren’t perfect. I often interrupt quarrels over what goes inside their oven and who gets the coffee pot. Despite those expected altercations, this kitchen brings them together. Watching them play side by side, gives me a little break, which helps me breathe to the next referee moment.

What is a favorite toy in your house? Do you have a play kitchen yet?


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