I Feel Jealous Sometimes…

I feel jealous when I hear positive breastfeeding stories.

I’m human.

I sometimes throw myself a “why me” pity party. I search Google for answers as to why I never produced milk after 3 pregnancies. My current theory is that I lack enough glandular tissue. But who really knows? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Most of the times, I’m in a place of who cares— my sons are healthy & happy.

But when I see a picture of a nursing mom, my heart does drop.

I’m not ashamed of that feeling. I let myself feel it. I am allowed to both feel disappointed and empowered to be a formula mom.

Both can be true.

We all want easy in this life. But I wouldn’t trade my experience.

I’m a better mom because things didn’t go as I expected them.


Guest Writer’s Series: A Letter to My Postpartum Depression


To My Last Baby