On Deployment
People often say that I must be Superwoman to deal with deployment, two kids, and a small business. But I’ll let you in on a secret. I don’t have super powers. I have faith & friends.
A fellow mama recently reminded me that despite the struggles that life throws at us, God called me to this place of motherhood.
I’m surviving because He is equipping me with the tools to be exactly who my kids need right now.
I get told all the time, “I don’t know how you do it,” “ You’re so strong,” “I couldn’t do what you do.”
The truth: It’s not in my own strength.
My faith keeps me sane & friends keep me human.
Asking for help isn’t something I’m afraid to do anymore. It’s better to ask than to silently suffer.
I lean on my family, neighbors, San Diego mom friends, Instagram family, my church & online fitness crew.
Thank you to everyone for checking in on me, encouraging me & loving my boys. I can’t imagine getting through this deployment without you all.
Photo Credit: Kerry Lee