Noëlle Boyer

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Parents, Forget the Schedule

I used to think the perfect schedule would allow me to “get it all done.”

With my first child, I had a meticulous schedule. I planned every hour of our day. Productivity was the goal & I refused to have my time wasted.

I legit had a LAMINATED daily schedule that I used when Nolan was a baby.

I felt crushed when things didn’t go as I planned.

You know what motherhood taught be flexible.

The frustrating part about that laminated schedule, it didn’t give room for Nolan to grow up. Babies change daily.

They stop napping 2x a day without your permission. They have days when they only want you to carry them. Then they grow up and become tyrannical toddlers.

The next day, they turn 4 and want only you to play with them.

So how am I productive with 2 going on 3 kids?

I focus on doing just 3 things off my to-do list each day. Then I let the rest go.

My house isn’t the neatest. Laundry goes unfolded for days. But those aren’t what’s important to me. Your kids don’t need a perfect home or the perfect day.

They just need you.

Denzel Photography