Thirty Things To Start Doing in Your Thirties

I can’t believe I will be 31 in a few months. Even though, I’m still new to the 30s, I can already feel that this will be my favorite decade. Perhaps, it’s because I finally feel like a “grown up.” I don’t feel the need to “justify” myself like I did in my 20s. People take me more seriously when they learn of my age. The main thing I’ve discovered in my 30s is that I care less about what other’s think about me. I’m still a recovering people pleaser, but I’m much more confident in myself now than I was at 25. The life phases I’ve passed through to get to almost 31, taught me to be unapologetically me.

Here’s my list of what got me to this place of thirty-year-old self-assurance:

  1. Weekly flossing “Floss Fridays”

  2. Clean Skincare Routine

  3. Daily Oil Pulling for teeth whitening

  4. Drinking my body weight in water

  5. Reading before bed

  6. Simple Makeup Routine

  7. Saying “no” to opportunities or people who don’t serve me

  8. Daily Devotional

  9. Plant care- “Water Wednesdays”

  10. Making my bed every morning. Make your bedroom your oasis

  11. Working out for fun not torture, barre3

  12. Choosing sparkling water over pop (yes, I call soda/coke “pop”)

  13. Establishing boundaries to respect your space, heart and time

  14. Going to bed before 11pm

  15. Capsule Wardrobe

  16. Sunscreen

  17. Deep Conditioning my hair once a week

  18. 5 dinner staples: One Sheet Chicken & Veggies, Breaded Pork Chops, Honey Corn Flake Chicken, Cast Iron Tikka Masala, Brown Sugar Salmon

  19. Embracing my hair

  20. Social Media Free Sundays

  21. Doing the dishes before bed

  22. Buy clothes that fit my body not an ideal size number

  23. Face Mask Mondays

  24. Weekly Bath spa

  25. Swap out toxic household cleaners for nontoxic products

  26. Embrace a hobby: for me it’s caring for plants

  27. Budgeting—living on less than you make

  28. Become DEBT FREE (check out Dave Ramsey’s principles)

  29. Learn how to forgive others who haven’t or won’t apologize

  30. Being willing to take career pivots

    What would you add to the list?

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