Debt-free Disney

Our pre-Austin Disneyland trip was our first trip paid for with cash & under budget. ⁣

Before becoming debt-free, we used credit cards for the perks. We never missed a payment but we also saved very little. We spent what we had and if we were lucky to have leftovers, saved it—we weren’t intentional with our money.⁣

We budget for everything now. It gives us freedom to enjoy our money & strength to say no as a team. ⁣

When we realized we made it to Disneyland without Nolan’s shoes, spending $50 on light-up Crocs didn’t set us back. We even left the park with cash to spare. ⁣

I thought it would take a decade to get through our mountain of student loan debt. But when there’s a plan & you stick to it, getting out of debt quickly is possible. ⁣

If we can do it, you can too. ⁣

Monthly payments aren’t how you build wealth, but delayed gratification does.


Remember Who You Were Before “Mom”


What A Difference A Year Makes: 2017-2018