Do You Believe in Soulmates?

I didn’t marry Mr. Right. Ryan didn’t marry Mrs. Right, either. There is NO SUCH THING.

We were two broken people standing before God, family & friends committing to work all of our flaws out together...for better or for worse.

Sounds like fun & happily ever after, right. sounds like work. It’s not fun to bend, break, fight & cry through our humanness.

But just like breaking in a horse, marriage breaks you. It’s a good thing. Without Ryan, I am an ego-maniac who cares too much about what people think.

Without me, Ryan is an anti-social guy lacking in empathy.

Marriage isn’t about completing each’s about growth & grace.

It’s accepting that we will always love each other and sometimes not like each other. At the end of the day, because our marriage is centered in God, we are willing to forgive, compromise, & be honest to a fault.

Marriage isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. Fight for it because you’ll be stronger & closer for it.


I Tried Breastfeeding My Last Baby


He’s Here!