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My Advice To the New Military Spouse
This whole military life is weird and scary. Nothing can really prepare you for what’s to come, what you will lose but also all that you gain. My advice…
Guest Writer’s Series: A Letter to My Postpartum Depression
No one tells you that the newborn phase is like Groundhog’s Day — every three hours, it is diaper change, feed, sleep, repeat. Throw in some inconsolable crying, dozens of doctors appointments, formula trial-and-error, and hundreds of loads of laundry and you get the picture. In addition to the typical newborn struggles, I was struggling with something that I still struggle to put into words.
Guest Writer’s Series: Crushing the ‘Woe is Me’ Mindset as a Military Spouse
Military life is tough at times, for me dealing with the emotional aspect of doing life SOLO is one of the most complicated things to sort through.