I Tested COVID Positive

Life update: I tested positive for COVID-19. ⁣⁣
Honestly, I doubted I had it at first. My early symptoms presented themselves like allergies: itchy eyes, runny nose & a slight cough. ⁣⁣
Then on Wednesday night, I couldn’t sleep. I spiked a fever, had body aches, chills and hot flashes. I felt like I had a head cold. It didn’t feel that serious. Was it just the weather change? How will this affect the baby? ⁣⁣
The next morning, I got tested out of extreme caution. ⁣
Soon after getting tested, we learned Ryan & I were in close contact with someone who tested positive. I instantly felt dread, shame, embarrassment and sadness. ⁣⁣
Thankfully, my symptoms are mild. It feels like a common cold except that I’ve lost my senses of taste and smell (it’s so weird). The baby seems fine (21 weeks). ⁣⁣
As I sit here recovering, I am reflecting on the choices we made leading up to this. Ryan and I made the decision to go to a wedding, aware of the risks. We did the best we could to be safe but at the wedding, I let my guard down. I got too comfortable. We were with close friends & felt safe.⁣⁣
This virus doesn’t discriminate. If you don’t believe this virus is serious, you’re wrong. If you don’t believe you have a responsibility to minimize risk to yourselves and others, you’re wrong. Over 230,000 people have lost their lives and over 10 million people have been infected in our country alone.⁣⁣
Protecting yourself and those around you is so important. Wear a mask. Encourage those around you to wear a mask. Minimize your risk wherever you can.⁣⁣
Be safe out there friends.

Learn more about COVID-19 testing: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/testing-overview.html


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