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Hospital Bag Checklist: What You Need To Pack
I can’t believe this will be my last time delivering a baby at a hospital. I’m starting to feel sentimental. Since this is my third and final hospital trip, I want to share what you really need to bring.
5 Favorite Baby Items
As a soon-to-be mother of three boys, I have wasted a lot of time and money searching for the “right” baby items.
Parents, Forget the Schedule
I used to think the perfect schedule would allow me to “get it all done.”With my first child, I had a meticulous schedule. I planned every hour of our day. Productivity was the goal & I refused to have my time wasted.
You Are Your Child’s Gift
You are the perfect mother for your child. You were given to him, not the other way around. I had to repeat this to myself as a first time mom.
15 At-Home Date Night Ideas
Would you consider taking on a 15 Date Challenge? If you’re like me and my husband, you’re busy, you often “miss” your partner and you think you’ll find time for a date later. Well later keeps getting pushed back.
Book Club: “Uninvited” By Lysa TerKeurst
For the next few weeks, I along with several friends are reading Lysa TerKeurst’s book, “Uninvited.” This book has been on my reading list for several years, but following the difficulties of 2020, I felt it was finally time to read it.
My Word for the Year 2021
What is up 2021?
Are you going to show 2021 who is boss, in a joyful and positive way? I hope the answer is yes. Looking back at 2020, it was a painful year. But it also brought myself and my family a lot of goodness.
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
I don't know what 2020 meant for you, but it caught me off guard. Our family experienced many blessings (bought a house & a third pregnancy). We also experienced difficulties (moving across country, catching COVID, a few pregnancy scares, and my infamous burn).
10 Curly Hair Products You Need To Try
My best advice, embrace the trial and error. If you want to love your curls, you need to get to know them. You need to discover which products work well with your hair.
Moms, Read When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
No matter how badly you wanted this child or how deeply you love him, you're allowed to admit being a mother is more than you expected. You're allowed to admit how lonely you feel even when you're surrounded by amazing support.
Formula Doesn’t Define My Motherhood
I exclusively formula fed Nolan and Austin. I will exclusively formula feed my third. When I learned I wasn’t producing milk for my first (Nolan), I spiraled. I struggled to believe I was “worthy” to be a mother.
When You Use Deployment Against Your Spouse
Today is the last day I use Ryan’s deployment against him in order to win an argument. It’s a low blow and that’s not how I want to get through our marriage anymore.
Kids Non-Toy Guide
Alright, what is everyone getting the kids in your life for the holidays? My sons have more than enough toys. I’m asking family and friends to gift them with experiences or “non-toys.”
2020 His/Her Holiday Gift Guide
If we need anything this year, it’s a little extra cheer. I know we all can share a mountainous list of how 2020 has disappointed. Let’s take back as much of the gloom this holiday season
Generation Mindful: How I’m Ending Time-Outs
I heard about Generation Mindful when my now 4 year old was entering his “terrible twos.” I didn’t utilize the program then because I felt like I had a “good handle” on his emotions.
I Tested COVID Positive
Life update: I tested positive for COVID-19. Honestly, I doubted I had it at first. My early symptoms presented themselves like allergies: itchy eyes, runny nose & a slight cough.
Guest Writer’s Series: Crushing the ‘Woe is Me’ Mindset as a Military Spouse
Military life is tough at times, for me dealing with the emotional aspect of doing life SOLO is one of the most complicated things to sort through.
Add This Toy To Your Holiday List
One of the biggest worries I had about transitioning from being a mother of one to two was wondering if I had enough energy for both of them.
Finding “Glory” in Sufferings Pt. One
I feel like I’m entering into a season of suffering. A bunch of hard things have hit our family in ways I wasn’t prepared for—I’m a preparer so I’m feeling uneasy.
My 3rd Pregnancy Must-Haves
This is a list of items I needed to reduce my nausea, stay hydrated and stay sane during my first trimester ick and beyond.